a little meow - 1400ap 30% crit feral druid by Derek
Class: Druid | Category: PvP | Server : US - Illidan ( Rampage )
2.75 /5 39 ? ? 206 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
There are too few videos of druids just tearing up other players. All footage during the first song is from the first arathi basin game I played while recording footage for this video, and most of it is in order.

To show that this is my normal playstyle and damage, all footage was recorded on 10/22/06 and 11/9/06, with 4-5 hours of pvp total represented. Any fights that are cut of early are due to them becoming boring or to shorten the video. I never cut off a fight early if I died.

I love to sit in alterac valley towers and kill people as they run up. It makes me feel like a dark templar killing helpless zerglings in a line. I do have a minor God complex when it comes to healing. I heal people who are going to help me kill or our team win, and let everyone else die. I also purposely included lots of clips of me owning warlocks since that seems to be the class most people are complaining about these days.

I have 1404 ap, 29.75% crit, 5% hit and 4500 hp in cat form wearing my pvp gear. I can reach 1459 ap, 32.95% crit, 7% hit in dps gear, but I lose 600 hp. Gear, mods and song list are shown in the video.

My build is 11/35/5.

This is my 8th video, and I want to start building up some name recognition via a consistant title (ex: kitty cat ownage #9). Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated.

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