85 Subscribenakoomba
Monk pvp 5.3 - warsong gulch windwalker
Movie Summary
Views: 106,098
Warsong Gulch I did with my friends DK, no healing...
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I'm a game designer that has worked on all kinds of cool games many of you have played. I like recording when I play and I will post anything interesting to my youtube channel and here.
Activity Log
nakoomba posted a comment on Monk pvp 5.3 - warsong gulch w...
Warsong Gulch I did with my friends DK, no healing around ha...
nakoomba posted a comment on wow macros using Autohotkey
If you are a melee in World of Warcraft, you want to watch t...
nakoomba released a new movie Monk pvp 5.3 - warsong gulch w...
Warsong Gulch I did with my friends DK, no healing around ha...
nakoomba posted a comment on Monk pvp 5.3 2v2 with disc pri...
I disagree with your assessment
nakoomba posted a comment on Monk pvp 5.3 2v2 with disc pri...
He likes to watch me doing the heavy lifting then complain i...
nakoomba released a new movie Monk pvp 5.3 2v2 with disc pri...
This is part 2 of my windwalker / disc priest 2v2 arena matc...
nakoomba released a new movie monk pvp 5.3 - twin peaks with...
Running around twin peaks with my friends DK. Capped a fla...
nakoomba posted a comment on Monk Arena 1vs2 patch 5.3
next time ill change the title to say 1vs2 after partner die...
nakoomba posted a comment on Monk Arena 1vs2 patch 5.3
You guys are tough customers :)
nakoomba posted a comment on Monk Arena 1vs2 patch 5.3
yeah i mention that in the description, you should work on y...
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nakoomba's Characters
- Sooshie
- Blood Elf
- Monk
- Bloodhoof (USA)
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