Kenza Dancing with the Death Knights by Kenza
Class: - | Category: PvP | Server : US - Archimonde ( Stormstrike )
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Kenza's Arena Team 1
Kenza Condra
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Hi Druid Community.

This is my first WOTLK PvP Video - My editing skills are poor so if anyone with great editing skills is interested in a freelance job, feel free to PM me!

I've put together three short Death Knight/Paladin matches. It took a lot of practice but basically we got all the strats and tactics down for DK/Paladin teams. May sound cliche but a lot has to do with communication, coordination and crowd control.

I have two Death Knight, Retadin fights and ended it with a Death Knight, Holy Paladin fight. All footage was filmed at 2000+ rating during the 3rd week of Season 5. I ended up finishing 2110 Week 3 and currently trying out the feral tree for fun. Sometimes we all need a break from healing!

My intentions on the video is for Resto Druids to not give up and to brainstorm more ideas on how to counter DK/Paladin team. Although Death Knights are getting a nerf in the next patch, it will still be difficult to heal through their damage, due to the "removal" of HoT spells which can shut a druid down if you're left at low HP. I always like to Rejuv/Swiftmend and use a lot of shadowmelding to lose target of any double DPS teams.

Well I hope everyone enjoys the movie, and if don't like the music, please press the mute button and turn on your winamp or itunes. =)

Thank you..
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