Alpha Vs. Malygos25 5 minute Achievement by Fearsalot
Class: Warlock | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Ysera ( Stormstrike )
4.55 /5 7 ? ? 265 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This is my first WoW movie, took me about 2 days to throw together so there's nothing really fancy about it. Spell detail was about 60% when I frapsd cause I wasnt sure if my pc could handle it.

We did the 5min Malygos Heroic Achievement in about 4'40sec, this video is from my PoV (Haunt/Ruin spec).

Quick notes :

- Reason I showed the gear/spec/glyphs is mainly cause I don't see a lot of Affliction raiding videos out, and I get tells frequently asking about those, so figured I'd toss them in.
****In hindsight I coulda just easily listed glyphs n stuff here , hmmm fastforward to like 1minute into the video to get straight to the fight :X

- The flame with timer is the Spirits of the Damned (4pc t7 bonus), I set that up in Power Auras which helps me weave dps while I have that spirit buff up for the 10 seconds, I don't do it 100% of the time but the extra DPS helps.
- Yes I'm bad, missing a minor glyph x.x
- My version of Satrina's buffbar didn't show how sparks stacked, that was updated in a recent version
- I made a few mistakes, coulda recalled imp into spark stack for more dmg, and refreshed SL/Immo while in sparks

Both songs are by Ratatat - first is named Nostrand and the second song is Lex.

Enjoy the video and Happy New Years~
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