To The Fairest by Selserene
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Shadow Council ( Reckoning )
4.83 /5 67 ? ? 40 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
The slightly redone version of my entry for the WoW machinima contest. I made it to the top 10 finalists with it, and was exceptionally happy with that. There was a lot of amazing competition from expert Machinima makers!

There were three Ataris songs to choose from, I chose "Not Capable of Love."

This was my first attempt at a Machinima video, I used Premiere Elements, Photoshop Elements, Fraps, and Modelviewer. The redone version mostly just cleans up the greenscreening, which I hadn't figured out how to do before submission. ^_^

Link to the entry at Machinima:
I hope you enjoy it. =)

Thanks to Matt, Carol and Drew for supporting me while I was making the video. Thanks to Perle, Marrika, Elzabetha/Sywyn, Skarlotte, Elythe, Rinaeya, Sophaea, Glimdar, for sending me images of their characters for the video. .
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