Movie Summary
I am Xmo from Warcraftmovies. I achieved Rank 1 in the world in WoW PvP and had over 7MM+ views on my fun PvP videos like Xmo & Xtk, The Breakfast Club, and many more. I quit shortly thereafter and have returned to stream & create content for fun whenever I feel like it.
This video was FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY. There as so many players vastly better than me, and I am just playing for fun, not going for rank 1.
Greatywhite and I recorded this a few weeks after I hit 70 in our first session ever playing mage/rogue. Lots of sloppy play on my part but I thought sharing something was better than nothing!
I may do a narrative-style video like Xmo 8: The Breakfast Club but I figured in the meantime, you guys might like something short & sweet!
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