Movie Summary
The fall of the dark titan, Sargeras, marked the end of the Burning Legion. The vile demons he commanded lay scattered and divided, the threat once and for all, defeated. A monumental victory that cannot be understated.
But the influence of the legion lingers on - the scourge, a heinous force forged by the Eredar lieutenant Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, still claims a strong foothold on Northrend. During the final battle against the Legion, Lich King Bolvar Fordragon schemed and plotted, bolstering his ranks with powerful acolytes.
With the Horde and Alliance now turned to each other's throats, the Lich King seeks to strike their armies are damaged and diverted. The extinction of life is at hand.
Just a short video to celebrate not only my 100 Subs milestone, but also the ten year anniversary for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Hope you guys like it!
Special thanks to Villager for voicing the Lich King:
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