FUDK6 (Part 2) - Unholy DK 1vNs by Oozo
Class: Death Knight | Category: PvP | Server : US - Archimonde ( Stormstrike )
4.71 /5 137 ? ? 1103 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hello WCM,

I've put a lot of work into editing this movie in an attempt to make it fun and entertaining to watch. Many events in the action will match up with events or changes in the songs. It is not easy to do this. There is a lot of trial and error and going back to the drawing board. I'm not a professional editor by any means so many of the things I try fail. The key word here is "try" however, I am putting a good bit of effort into this to hopefully make something enjoyable.

The content is mostly 1vNs from early Cataclysm before any of the major patches hit. Some of these clips are the 'throwaway' clips I had left over from part 1 of this movie. It was my mission to try to take them and jazz them up as much as possible. ;)

In this movie you will see:

Paladins who HOJ into AMS
Hunters who Intimidate into IBF
DKs who Mind Freeze DKs
Mages who... you get the picture.

You will also see the rare Gnomish Victory Dance (not often seen in the wild) and exclusive bonus footage from RIFT (that might turn you gay).

Why the huge delay between part 1 and part 2? I was not able to get part 2 out before the first patch which changed DK mechanics significantly. So, I sat on the clips until I had inspiration to use the footage again... which almost always comes from the music I choose to use for the movie.


DJ Lightray - "Maniacal Carpet Ride" KMFDM/MightyDubKats Mashup
Blue Stahli - "Leadfoot Getaway"
Rhythm Scholar vs. Queen - "Another One Bites The Dust" Remix

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