Trippy movie by henker92
Class: - | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Elune ( Cataclysme )
3.75 /5 7 ? ? 731 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
henker92's Arena Team 1
Maskim Trippy
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henker92's Arena Team 2
Maskim Trippy Sardanapale
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This is the first hunter movie i made. I was playing some other classes before WOTLK came up, shaman, warrior, rogue and warlock, but hunter is ( with my shaman) the most funny class to play (imo).

There is some RP time in the movie, sorry for that if you dont like but i thought it couldn't be only "FIGHT" and if you want to have a video witch don't make sleep people, it has to be Diversified.

Hope you'll have fun ! If you have a comment, or if you want to criticize, don't forget i play hunter since only like 3 month maximum ( Played hunter before BC came out but this wasn't serious).

Trippy - Horde - Elune

Edit : The vid�o on WCM il an outdate vid�o, the end has changed, i'll update it. The filefront and youtube HD stream are O.K

Edit2: Due to author rights, the sounds on Youtube stream3 has been unactivated, i'll try to change this ( the original will be O.K on filefront.).
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Views: 25,686
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Rating: 3.75 / 5
Category Rank: 8849

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WCM Fame: 39
Rank: 6,451 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 1
Total Views: 25,683

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