Fight For Survival (Trailer) by Dragon Power
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Shattered Hand ( Cyclone )
4.33 /5 8 ? ? 22 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

This is a trailer that i made today for Wegame august contest and my 5min movie(That i'm gonna post later, becouse i still have to do the finnishing touches and sound effects etc etc...)

Sadly it's really short, but that's how it turned out...

This project wont have that much gore as in my L70ETC Rogues do it from behind movie... But... The gnome just had to die in the end!! :P

Thanks to both Nathan Pinard(Letting me use his music) and Caruu(For voice acting)

"Tech Assault" by Nathan Pinard

Voice Act by

Sony Vegas Pro 8
Adobe Photoshop CS2
WoW Model Viewer
WoW Map Viewer.
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