Iron Edge: M'uru by Devlin
Class: Multiple | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Dunemaul ( Bloodlust )
4.67 /5 4 ? ? 126 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Amazingly tight encounter before the nerf, probably the tightest - yet possible - ever created in World of Warcraft.
We had roughly 130 wipes on him pre-nerf, making it more and more regularly to phase 2, and then another 30 wipes or so, and we had a kill!

Summer vacations and general afking delayed our kill quite a bit, and I think we could've made it before the nerf. It still feels good killing him after the patch, as it remains a really tight fight!

I apologize for the fairly big filesize, but the raw footage of this fight drain really big amounts of rendering power, so I had to up the bitrate quite a bit.

Devlin (rogue)
Starshadow (warlock)

The Egg - Walking Away (Tocadisco Remix)
Infected Mushroom - Sulliman

#iron-edge @

Running raids every week but getting no loot? M+ isn't dropping anything either? Blazing Boost can guarantee your loot!
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