The Hitmen (Trailer) by Fishispit
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Suramar ( Cyclone )
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**Edit** Doesn't seem like everyone is understanding whats going on. That's a positive, because there isn't a damn clue to what might be going on beyond [blank - watch the trailer]. For those who are sad and disappointed that this trailer really turned out to be a 'teaser' if anything. Then I suppose I could spoil a little bit of the fun times for you... Perhaps the Pig isn't just a Pig. You'll learn later on that the pig is this man's 'girlfriend/wife (undecided as of yet.) and that he had a great deal to do with why she was Polymorphed into a pig... Further you'll learn that his character tends to be rather 'naughty' and likes to share his bed with more then just his wife. You'd learn too that this may be a cause to why she was Polymorphed and that this scene comes much later in the movie when he 'finds' his wife after having lost her in the jungles of ST... Thus a sudden sexual romp begins for more reasons I won't give away as it just ruins this 'cute' little perverted side story. THIS is not "The Hitmen' This is One of the characters side stories. Each character has at least one. ; )... Now with that said, try to smile.

The Hitmen... An action packed, sex driven, thrill crushing Machinima is coming to your screen this summer. At this time I don't plan on releasing to much information about the movie other then it is planned to be released this Summer. It will be a simple 'epic' introduction followed by a series of shorts (5-10minutes each) that will decline in humor till eventually I move onto another project.... Woo!

However, please do express what you think about this film. A large portion of advancing forward with the actual series all depends on how this first 'trailer' and fly by goes over with you... THE viewer.

[[Progams used: AE CS3|Sony Vegas|Photoshop CS3|FruitLoops|Fraps|Model Viewer|Soundbooth CS3]]

Currently this project is SEEKING VOICE TALENT! This means if you Have a voice and it doesn't suck, you can probably be in a movie. If you are interested please find me on the IRC channel listed below.

Questions? want to chat? Maybe just chill and idle with the crew @ Quakenet. All are welcomed, pro or noob - feel free to ask a question we'll help you find an answer.

# m a c h i n i m a

"Be strong, be proud - download the video!"

Anti Streaming Community inless Stage6


Ireth - the only Fishspit you've ever known.

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