Movie Summary
In this video i go over the important elemtental shaman macros that will be useful in patch 5.0 and also in Mists of Pandaria!
As i said before there aren't that many but I'd strongly using the ones that i have featured seeing as they're that useful!
Macros :
/focus [target=mouseover]
/focus [target=arena1]
/focus [target=arena2]
/focus [target=arena3]
/cast Purge
/cast Grounding Totem
/cast [nomod, target=focus] Wind Shear; [mod:shift target=taget] Wind Shear;
#showtooltip Cleanse Spirit
/use [@mouseover,help][@player] Cleanse Spirit
/cast Unleash Elements
/cast [nomod, target=focus] Hex; [mod:shift target=taget] Hex;
/cast [target=focus] Purge
/use Cataclysmic Gladiator's Badge of Dominance
/use Volcanic Potion
/use Stormlash Totem
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