Insane Hunter Crit Montage by Zumio
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Outland ( Misery )
4.43 /5 19 ? ? 186 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
1-shotting, 200k+ damage in single GCDS and many 1vsX fights - if you love watching complete and utter annihilation, then this video is right up your alley. Footage was gathered over a day, and contains the highest legit hunter burst I have ever seen (not counting when Aimed Shot was bugged in 4.0.1), or stacking of unrealistic buffs/PvE gear!

Screenshot of 220k damage in 1 global: (168597 upfront damage, plus 50571 from piercing shots) = 219168. You need to beat this in ONE global! - Community is steadily growing, come say hi!

1) iNexus - Immortal
2) Pegboard Nerds - Disconnected

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Disclaimer: This video is not to promote insane skill or anything, just to show some awesome crits that only a few classes are able to pull off :)
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