New Outdoor Raid Boss in Mists of Pandaria Beta by NLGG
Class: Paladin | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Maelstrom ( Shadowburn )
2.60 /5 6 ? ? 225 MB Correct Share
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Also I had annotations on this video. I have a youtube channel and i know it's arathi highlands. The reason there is alot of talking is the fact that I had no idea I was going to find this so for my subscribers I was finding and exploring the new area.

if you liked this video, remember to check out my youtube channel:

I have tons of beta footage on there.

In this I was wondering around the valley of four winds when i came across one of the new outdoor raid bosses. He looks pretty cool, but you'll have to see it for youself. Enjoy guys!

Also don't forget to like, fav, and sub!

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