Ready to Die - PvP Rogue Human by Bizzlesnaff
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : US - Stonemaul ( Cyclone )
4.72 /5 180 ? ? 352 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
I started this pvp a few months ago, and my gear has progressed better and better. As I got better however, more and more people seemed to doubt me, so I figured the best way to prove a point was to find, and fight the best rogue on the server. This was to prove a point to myself, and my guild, and I thought it ended up looking alright in the end too.

Stonemaul Server
60 Rogue

Music Contains Explicit Lyrics
And Rap, so it may not be for everyone.
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4.72 /5

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Views: 119,794
Daily Views: 18
Rating: 4.72 / 5
Category Rank: 1842
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