Nikoma V by Nikoma
Class: Warrior | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Frostmane ( Misery )
4.15 /5 16 ? ? 352 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hello guys Nikoma is back again with another Episode of his artistic warrior series.
I hope you enjoy this one, I've worked really hard on the relationship between audio and video this time, which means that what happens on screen, syncs in very well with the audio, i'm actually very happy that i accomplished a fine line here, took alot of time.
for as far as the video content goes, don't even bother complaining about who or what i'm fighting, i purely make these ''artistic'' series for those who appreciate a good image, I have plenty of ''skill'' videos out there, so don't be such a douche and just enjoy it.

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Views: 19,065
Daily Views: 3
Rating: 4.15 / 5
Category Rank: 11429
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