10M Lich King Moonkin PoV by Owlkapwn
Class: Druid | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Aerie Peak ( Nightfall )
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Movie Summary
I honestly wasn't expecting this to be the kill, but I had fraps running just incase. It's a bit sloppy, as we had people who hadn't done the kill with us, but a kill is a kill. Couple of things to note -- 1st, it was my first time going inside frostmourne. I attempted to go bear to bash the cast, but instead accidentally taunted (I don't bear, ever). I've since discovered you can typhoon to interrupt.

2nd -- After I got battle rezed, I did use innervate but our replenishment was dead as well. So yes, you do see me run up and melee the boss there at the end. To try and get mana back from JoW.

Starfall wasn't used in P1 due to aggro reasons. As you can see, I was riding threat the entire fight, starfall easily would've pulled me way over.
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