Chuk's Arena PVP #2: Just another 1.5 Rated Mage by Chuk
Class: - | Category: PvP | Server : US - Warsong ( Ruin )
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Movie Summary
Chuk's Arena Team 1
Chúk Methodlol
Similar Setups
Chuk's Arena Team 2
Chúk Eyre Methodlol
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Hello! This is my first movie at WCM and my second movie at all.
I'm a wow newcomer, i've been playing for around 5 months and i decided to record some of my arena adventures as a mage, as well testing my editing skills.
I've made a lot of mistakes in this movie, and all the clips where recorded whitin a day.
Still there are a lot of good clips in there. even if you like seeing the mistakes that 1.5k bracket players do, or if you\'re on the 1.5k brackets as well.
Don't expect brilhant plays at all, but you can expect some good footage.

What you\'ll see in this video

RMP and RM Comp
Rock and roll!
A middle geared frost mage POV
Some editing skills
11k BURST!
QQ @ Rets
Some grammar mistakes

What you\'ll not see in this video

ZOMG LEET PLAYERS (I made a LOT of mistakes often)
Chalenging oponents
Me winning 2v1 situations
Perfect gameplay
A cool looking UI (I know my UI is a bit messed up, i\'m working on it)
BG footage (i\'ll work on that, i\'m much better in BGs than i\'m arena)

Well, that\'s all for my frist video in here.
Hope i don\'t get smashed by everyone by trying to post this
If you guys have some tips for me to improve my gameplay/video editing skills fell free to post!

Thanks for reading. Have fun!
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Views: 20,730
Daily Views: 3
Rating: - / 5
Category Rank: 10647

Author Information

WCM Fame: 9
Rank: 60,540 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 1
Total Views: 20,716
Zygor Guides

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